Tuesday, February 24, 2009


visible underwear line. also known in the fashion world as V.P.L ( visible panty line).
so you cant really call it v.u.l if you're gonna talk about men. that's just wrong on every level.
so here's the big 4-1-1... what is it with people who likes to wear pants that doesn't fit them...
you'll know it when you see the V.U.L btw....
people, if you really wanna show what in your pants... just take the damn thing off!
its not rocket science...
it is really disturbing to see it...
yeah, people are gonna wonder "who told you to look at other people's ass?"
that's not really the issue here... is it??...
somehow along the way you just cant help but to notice others and their 'ornaments'...
so the REAL reason why i brought this thing up is because i just did my final exam and the whole time the male examiner prefect was walking around with his V.U.L visibly seen...
he should be arrested by the fashion police A.S.A.P!!!
under the jurisdiction of harassing the public with disturbing view!
no bail, no parole....
i was morpheme-less......
the horrendous view was a traumatizing thing for me...
whatever the case is, people should know what to wear and not...
bear in mind that eyes are sacred!!!

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